n an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae
n the fruit or seed of any of various bean or pea plants consisting of a case that splits along both sides when ripe and having the seeds attach to one side of the case
n the seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils)
As a legume, the winged bean converts its own nitrogen from the atmosphere, thanks to a happy symbiosis with guest Rhizobium bacteria in the plant's potato-like tubers.
Where legume plantings (which have increased 200 to 300% this year) are substituted, the department bluntly insists on inoculation.
But the panic illustrates just how thoroughly the legume (Arachis hypogaea is, technically, not a nut), fashioned into a paste, has permeated the American diet.
Spotted knapweed in dairy pastures and hay fields Spotted knapweed has become a major pest for livestock owners, often infesting both pasture and hay fields and competing with legume crops. They are especially a problem in pastures where livestock prefer not to graze on this weed.
June 17, 2013 - Dairy Herd
Greek-style baked lima beans Serves 6 Limas, also known as butter beans, are an ancient legume named after the city of Lima, Peru. Select the extra-large and flat kidney-shaped limas to bake in a sauce made of tomatoes, vegetables, and herbs. Soak the beans overnight or use the quick-soak method (place beans and water in saucepan and bring to boil; turn off heat and ...
June 13, 2013 - Boston Globe
Kwame Anthony Appiah in The Guardian A tree, whatever the circumstances, does not become a legume, a vine, or a cow,explains Kwame Anthony Appiah in The Ethics Of Identity. "The reasonable middle view is that constructing an identity is a good thing (if self-authorship is a...
Bok van Blerk in Independent Online Grains industry representatives attending the industry consultation forum were excited at the potential for biotechnology to lead to faster results in other priority areas including better legume varieties, frost management and improved drought... Neil Young http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Young&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNHppKC7ZrFUB6vqaKN3VqqLiuQfcg Farm Weekly http://www.google.com/url?q=http://fw.farmonline.com.au/news/state/grains-and-cropping/general/legumes-biotech-and-frost-top-wa-priorities/1866654.aspx&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNGVaibzn9DZxPzVIlCH12Yl7RoSZw Jun 22, 2010
57645 76554 lei Van Blerk said his track was merely a tribute to boer general Koos De la Rey, with its lyrics De la Rey De la Rey/Sal jy die boere kom lei?"