lamprey :

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lam pree

  • n  primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue

  • In search of a selective lamprey-larva poison, they tried more than 6,000 different chemicals on jars containing two lamprey lar vae, two bluegill fingerlings and two small rainbow .
  • The lamprey, which bypassed Niagara Falls via the Welland Ship Canal, attaches itself to fish with a tooth-armed sucker and bores and sucks them to death.
  • Up the little rivers that feed the Great Lakes, an evil invader was swarming last week by the slithering thousands: the sea lamprey.
News & Articles


  • Jim Oberstar in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    We've already seen infestations of the sea lamprey, the zebra mussel and the 'fish-killing virus,' and we can't wait for the next infestation before we decide to take action,Oberstar said Thursday. "This legislation sets tough standards...

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