lamplight :

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  • n  light from a lamp

  • A local yoga house in Michigan offered sessions by lamplight, and the Sheraton Hotel in Chicago arranged check-in by candlelight.
  • The room's warm lamplight reflects softly off his crocodile shoes.
  • From the other side, you catch glimpses of the windows of the Heera Mandi, flickering with lamplight as the women take up their positions in the district's doorways.

  • Francis Collins in Washington Post
    We have been for all of the last decade or more looking under the lamppost to try to find those genes ...... and lots of times the lamplight was not actually where we wanted it,said Dr. Francis Collins, genetics chief at the National...
  • Lady Murasaki in New York Times
    Lady Murasaki describes him at 17: "Over soft, layered white gowns he had only a dress cloak, unlaced at the neck. ...... lying there in the lamplight, against a pillar, he looked so beautiful that one could have wished him a woman."
  • Van Gogh in St. Catharines Standard
    Van Gogh wrote: "I tried to show how these people, eating their potatoes under lamplight, dug the earth with those hands they put into the dish. So it speaks of manual labor and how they honestly earned their food.........."

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