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  • n  resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects; used in e.g. varnishes and sealing wax

  • Furthermore, the direction in which this so-called lac gene is inserted into the DNA molecule of one virus is opposite to its direction in the other virus.
News & Articles


  • Marc Coma in The Age
    People from time to time will protest. I think Canadians understand that that's a legal right. You can do that. You should be allowed to do that in Canada. It's just that we want to come to a solution and in Lac Barrière's case one of the ways... Chuck Strahl Montreal Gazette Jul 6, 2010 56548 74758 lac It was a pretty tough stage. There wasn't a lot of navigation, but a lot of riding," said Coma. "Saturday will be a long stage. In the previous Dakars, we were used to a short final stage around Lac Rose (in Dakar). Here, we have 220km of...
  • Gloria Molina in The Downey Patriot
    The report confirms what our Department of Health Services has told the Board of Supervisors every other week since the new hospital opened-that the LAC-USC Medical Center is too small,said Molina. "The numbers prove it. We continually...

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