kabul :

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ko bool

  • n  the capital and largest city of Afghanistan; located in eastern Afghanistan
News & Articles


  • Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in Guardian Unlimited
    We say that dialogue can only be fruitful if the aggressors truly allow the Kabul government to halt the fighting, negotiate with the mujahedeen and honor what Kabul and the resistance decide,Hekmatyar said.
  • Condoleezza Rice in 940 News
    It's just the rationale of being able to get outside of Kabul and see one of the areas that's been very active,Rice told reporters before the diplomats' arrival. "I don't think there's any message there to anyone."
  • Dana Perino in International Herald Tribune
    White House press secretary Dana Perino said the attack was carried out by extremists "killing innocent people to pursue their political objectives. It underscores the reason we have to stay on the offense against the extremists in places like Kabul...

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