kabbalist :

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  • n  an expert who is highly skilled in obscure or difficult or esoteric matters
  • n  a student of the Jewish Kabbalah

  • It has been reported that your a devout kabbalist.
News & Articles

  • Kabbalistic tradition topic of discussions
    Mark Rosenberg will introduce the kabbalistic tradition of Jewish mysticism Sunday and July 28 as part of the Adult Education series on world religions at St. Francis in the Foothills United Methodist Church.
    July 18, 2013 - Arizona Daily Star

  • White in Ha'aretz
    Whyte says that "in the dimension of vision, 'Golem 13' deals with the melding of kabbalist mysticism with the most advanced technology. The development of artificial intelligence establishes new horizons that not long ago were considered imaginary....

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