When this imperturbable string bean with jitterbug feet gets in the groove, shooting baskets from all angles, he makes even the opposing galleries whistle themselves dizzy.
Thinking, feeling in poems and prose Gerald Stern is one of those writers whose style insinuates itself into your consciousness like a catchy tune, so that you find your thoughts echoing its rhythms, bopping from one to another, back and forth, like thought and language doing a jitterbug. Here he is, in Stealing History, telling about "a ghostly experience" he once had:
June 17, 2013 - The Philadelphia Inquirer
Documentary shows how DeSean Jackson made it to Eagles, NFL with the help of his father It is by no means an an accident that Jackson is catching passes and scoring touchdowns for the Eagles on Sundays. The jitterbug wide receiver was trained and groomed for this vocation since he was dominating at the Pop Warner level as a 7 or 8-year-old.
June 16, 2013 - The Star-Ledger
Martin Cooper in Earthtimes (press release) Now, on the 35th anniversary of that first cell phone call, it's exciting to see the Jitterbug hailed as 'the simple cell phone and service alternative,'said Cooper.
Angelo Dundee in USA Today He's not the jitterbug he was that beat Robinson,Dundee says with a fond laugh.