In addition to counting heads with helmets on them and inventorying the enemy's hardware, the American arithmetic of fear has always factored in an ideological multiplier.
The state of Maine is currently inventorying some 3,350 islands off its coast.
Last week, five months after West died of pneumonia at 54, executors inventorying his estate added a footnote to the gaudy Jim West legend.
Munitions found in Alamogordo storage unit Alamogordo police and Air Force investigators are inventorying weapons, military ammunition and other items found in a storage locker to find out whether it includes government property.
July 24, 2013 - News West 9 Midland
Gordon Nixon in Canada NewsWire (press release) If the price is going to be lower in the future because of more supply and less demand that price is going to come down in the future, that gives producers and others an incentive to sell more today rather than hoarding it, inventorying it, or... Martin Feldstein FOXNews Jul 28, 2008
53454 70442 inventorying We require a coordinated strategy for dealing with our labour challenges," Nixon added. "We must do a better job of inventorying the skills we need, now and in the future. We must do a better job at developing the right policies and programs...