interject :

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in ter jekt

  • v  to insert between other elements
    She interjected clever remarks

  • When politicians interject race into a campaign, they seldom do it directly.
  • We were getting phone calls from people from Washington, and I think there were some on our staff who were thinking that maybe we should interject and respond in some way.
  • We were getting phone calls from people from Washington, and I think there were some on our staff who were thinking that maybe we should interject and respond in some way.
News & Articles

  • David Rosenberg: "From What I Hear..."
    David Rosenberg, recent reflationist reincarnation aside, has never been one to interject spurious rumors in his client letters. Which is why, if what he is " hearing " is accurate, then the bulls better pray that David Tepper's view of the taper as being bullish (then again, to David Tepper everything is "bullish" during CNBC appearances as it is merely provides an opportunity to sell to the ...
    June 12, 2013 - Zero Hedge

  • Roger Goodell in USA Today
    I'm not trying to interject myself,Goodell said. "I was interjected into it because there was a tampering charge initially. I'm not looking for things to interject myself to. It's an issue that needs to be addressed because of the...
  • Stuart Rothenberg in CNN International
    Presidential visits are a double-edged sword. They raise money for Democratic candidates and energize Democratic voters, but they give Republicans plenty of ammo and interject Obama into every contest,says Stuart Rothenberg, publisher and...
  • Gary Crowton in International Herald Tribune
    Why we decided to interject him in the process (is to) keep two quarterbacks healthy and give two quarterbacks experience with one being the lead guy, which Matt is,Crowton said. "The other guy is growing and getting better and getting...

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