integration :

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in tuh gray shuhn

  • n  the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community
  • n  the act of combining into an integral whole
  • n  an operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a function is determined

  • Lott was not among the students advocating integration, but did succeed in persuading his fraternity brothers not to join in the rioting.
  • To set himself up as a segregationist hero, Orval Faubus had chosen to manufacture violence in Little Rock and make a dramatic issue of integration in a city long untroubled by .
  • As the South's dual school system yields to integration pressures, Negro teachers rejoice in the new benefits for their raceand worry about their own professional futures.
News & Articles


  • Hillary Rodham Clinton in Reuters
    They should be offered an honorable form of reconciliation and re-integration into a peaceful society, if they are willing to abandon violence, break with al Qaeda, and support the constitution,Clinton said.
  • Nouri al-Maliki in Forbes
    The government is going through big challenges,al-Maliki said. "We are in need of the spirit of cooperation and integration."
  • Charles Prince in International Herald Tribune
    Charles Prince, the bank's chairman and chief executive officer, said implementation of Druskin's recommendations "will improve business integration as well as our ability to move quickly and seize new growth opportunities."

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