intangibility :

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  • n  the quality of being intangible and not perceptible by touch

  • But despite her job's intangibility, Brooks takes her responsibility at Tuleh very seriously.
  • But despite her job's intangibility, Brooks takes her responsibility at Tuleh very seriously.
  • But despite her job's intangibility, Brooks takes her responsibility at Tuleh very seriously.
News & Articles

  • How Big Is the NSA's Police State, Really?
    As you probably know, "the cloud" in Internet parlance isn't an actual cloud. The Internet's cloud refers to remote storage of information and the network that connects to it. What tech companies pitch as a nebulous intangibility is really just stacks and stacks of servers with direct connections to the rest of the world. Things that take up physical space, in other words.
    June 11, 2013 - The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News

  • Pope Benedict XVI in
    Pope Benedict called for Christians to publicly reaffirm the "intangibility of human life from conception to its natural end."
  • Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone in Zenit News Agency
    Cardinal Bertone said another contribution of the exhibition is that it displays the history of the Church, which "has always sought to propagate the Gospel and to defend the value of man, and the intangibility of his dignity and rights."
  • Nicolas Sarkozy in AFP
    The sovereignty of DR Congo and intangibility of its borders are sacred principles,Sarkozy said in the interview published by several Kinshasa dailies. "If any country will fight to see those respected, then it is France."

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