incriminate :

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in kri muh nayt

  • v  suggest that someone is guilty
  • v  bring an accusation against; level a charge against

  • But on the ground that it "might incriminate me," the former Minister refused to say what he did with the money that Groves gave him.
  • Asked to tell what name he had traveled under, Comrade Browder declined to answer on the ground that doing so might tend to incriminate him.
  • But on the ground that it "might incriminate me," the former Minister refused to say what he did with the money that Groves gave him.

  • Patrick Leahy in New York Times
    The American people are left to wonder what conduct is at the base of Ms. Goodling's concern that she may incriminate herself,Mr. Leahy added.
  • Floyd Landis in Reuters
    It was characterized for me that if I gave information that would incriminate Lance then I would be given a shorter sentence,Landis told a teleconference before a public hearing into his case, due to start on May 14.
  • Anwar Ibrahim in Reuters
    This report makes a mockery of the so-called impartial police investigation, and clearly shows the dubious and persistent attempts to incriminate me by whatever means employable,Anwar told reporters.

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