imperial :

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im pi ree uhl

  • n  a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
  • n  a piece of luggage carried on top of a coach
  • a  relating to or associated with an empire
    imperial colony
    the imperial gallon was standardized legally throughout the British Empire
  • a  of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures
  • a  befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress
    imperial palace
  • s  belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler
    golden age of imperial splendor

  • In the olden days whenever the imperial entourage passed the people bend down to pay their obeisance.
  • Japanese imperial line is believed to be the oldest royal family in the world, stretching back 2,000 years or more, but today it may have been saved by a brand-new baby boy.
  • The Japanese imperial family is an extraordinary phenomenon, widely beloved, yet laden with taboos most Japanese refrain from discussing.
News & Articles


  • Ricardo Alarcon in Los Angeles Times
    A bit later, parliament head Ricardo Alarcon said that "for many in the United States, Elian's case was the discovery of the reality that the imperial propaganda, the industry of deception, tried jealously to hide."
  • John Conyers in Politico
    Even after scores of hearings, investigations, and reports, we still do not have answers to some of the most fundamental questions left in the wake of Bush's Imperial Presidency,Conyers said in a statement released with the new report.
  • President Bush in International Herald Tribune
    Chavez also responded to earlier critical comments by Bush, saying "you've seen the imperial chief himself attack us again."

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