hustler :

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huh suh ler

  • n  a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets
  • n  a shrewd or unscrupulous person who knows how to circumvent difficulties

  • Straight man Bud Abbott and whiny hustler Lou Costello combined their slapstick and pratfalls with a gleefully misanthropic sensibility; no one could be trusted, even, or .
  • But the old hustler had wreaked his revenge, if only post-mortem.
  • Then a smiling Bernie Cornfeld, 52, the bearded hustler from Brooklyn who had founded Investors Overseas Services, the bankrupt European-based mutual fund empire, repaired to a .
News & Articles


  • Steve Spurrier in
    He's a good player, a good tackler, good hustler,Spurrier said. "He's on of our best players, no question about that."
  • Jerry Reese in USA Today
    I always knew he was a hustler...... one day he'll be in the import/export business, next in mining and the other in sports promotion, but he was a police informant. When he said he wanted to see me I knew it would be information I needed that I... Jackie Selebi News24 Apr 15, 2010 48911 66112 huston We wanted a guy to come in here and put pressure on (Huston), who we really like a lot," Reese said. "Huston has a really strong leg. But we feel better about having a guy that's kicked in the league to come in and compete for the job."

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