The hut was alive with the chatter of a half dozen speed addicts, all pulling apart their Krong Tip packs and sucking in meth smoke through metal pipes.
In a crude wooden hut 20 miles from Paris, agents of the Paris police studied a fantastic corpse.
Love the outdoors but hate to sleep there? For camping-wary adventurers, hut hiking allows you to ditch the bulky sleeping bag and clunky camp stoves.
Time To Buy Yum? Chinese Consumer And Better Operations Could Drive 20% Profit Growth The tide is turning for Yum Brands in China, and margin expansion could lead to EPS growth of about 20% over the next few years, according to UBS. While the parent of KFC and Pizza Hut seems to have engaged in an aggressive growth strategy ahead of a perfect storm that included a sluggish Chinese consumer and a regulatory scandal over the quality of its chicken, sales declines are slowing and ...
June 12, 2013 - Forbes
Dan and Frank Carney in 940 News Phil was just saying in the scoring hut after we had finished that he'd been that man that kept knocking on the door - finishing seconds and thirds and wondering if it ever does come, and suddenly it does and winning majors becomes easier in your... Lee Westwood The Guardian Apr 12, 2010
48913 66113 hut I'm proud every time I see Pizza Hut doing well because that's part of me," said Frank Carney.
Barack Obama in Boston Globe (registration) Democratic rival Barack Obama said that just talking to or having tea with world leaders doesn't bring understanding of "the lives of the people like my grandmother, who lives in a tiny hut in Africa."