And though David Niven does a nice job as the lover, Ratoff brings hobnail direction to scenes that need dancing pumps.
Most outside observers have laid the responsibility for the East Pakistani tragedy to the hobnail-tough martial law imposed by Lieut.
For years, Soviet economists have inveighed against installment buying as simply another hobnail in the capitalist heel grinding the faces of the poor.
Do You Want To Understand Your Health Risks? The airwaves are buzzing this morning with news of the FDA's warning letter to 23andMe, the personal-genetic-profile-for-$99 startup, demanding that it "immediately discontinue marketing its Personal Genome Service. Is this a case of bureaucratic hobnail boots trampling a scrappy, innovative digital health start-up? Are we being deprived of the right to know what destiny is written in our ...
Nov. 26, 2013 - Forbes
David Greene in If anything Larry is more, well, negative than positive. You could tell how positive he was (after the touchdown). And to even think of a hobnail boot, I mean, who would have ever thought of saying that? But that is what makes Larry the best,...
Leo Houlding in Peninsula On-line Got dressed in period (costume). Walked around corner onto North Face in hobnail-less boots - Did one take and nearly froze,Houlding wrote on the expedition's online diary last week.
Larry Munson in Atlanta Journal Constitution For the record, Munson said his favorite call was "the hobnail boot" at Tennessee in 2001, replacing his previous favorite on Belue-to-Scott.