harbor porpoise :

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harbor porpoise

  • n  the common porpoise of the northern Atlantic and Pacific
News & Articles

  • NOAA proposes opening long-time closure areas to fishing
    As part of an overall effort to help fishermen adjust to new quota cuts for groundfish implemented last month, today, NOAA Fisheries announced a proposal to open some areas to groundfish fishing that have been off limits for nearly 20 years. The proposal also includes protections to ensure that habitat, vulnerable groundfish stocks, and other species, such as whales and harbor porpoise, are not ...
    July 10, 2013 - The Cape Ann Beacon
  • Harbor porpoises now a common sight in Puget Sound
    After nearly disappearing from our waters for decades, harbor porpoises are making a comeback.
    July 9, 2013 - Seattle Times

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