3 Habitable Super-Earths Orbiting Nearby Star Three potentially habitable worlds have been discovered orbiting Gliese 667C, a star only 22 light-years from Earth, tripling the potential for life evolving there. Continue reading ?
June 25, 2013 - Discovery News
Four habitable planets orbiting three tiny suns? New first in planet-hunting. Scientists have found at least three and perhaps four planets that appear to be in the habitable zone of a triple-star system. Finding so many exoplanets in one star system's habitable zone is a first.
June 25, 2013 - The Christian Science Monitor
Jacob Zuma in South Africa.info Whichever of those conditions produced it, this concentration of silica is probably the most significant discovery by Spirit for revealing a habitable niche that existed on Mars in the past. The evidence is pointing most strongly toward fumarolic... Steve Squyres http://www.google.com/url?q=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Squyres&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEdC2dV0n9gqix-r9v14XClidi7kw Hindu http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/008200712111612.htm&source=dictionary&usg=AFQjCNEPyccGB2epDN5LySi2SGnsbZhvxA Dec 11, 2007
44688 61059 habitable All human beings strive to obtain decent shelter in a decent community. That is why as government we are doing all we can to assist our people to obtain affordable and habitable shelter," Zuma said during the launch of a social housing project...
Alan Boss in Detroit Free Press The fact that the new planet could have liquid water "makes it even more fascinating and arguably the first habitable planet," said Alan Boss, an astronomer with the Carnegie Institution of Washington, who wasn't part of the discovery team.