La Grange trustees formally oppose 47th Street overpass LA GRANGE — Neighbors north and south of 47th Street are breathing easier with the Village Board’s formal opposition to a potential overpass at East Avenue. The board unanimously passed a resolution June 10 calling a grade separation project at the intersection “detrimental to the quality of life for our residents.” A potential overpass or underpass also “would significantly, adversely and ...
June 11, 2013 - The Doings La Grange
Grade separation project could land Ontario in litigation dispute ONTARIO -- A grade separation project which calls for an overpass to eliminate traffic delays at a train crossing on Milliken Avenue could land the city in a lawsuit.
June 5, 2013 - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Grade separation project could land Ontario in litigation ONTARIO -- A grade separation project to address train delays on Milliken Avenue in the southern part of town could land the city in a lawsuit.
June 5, 2013 - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin