gray shuhs
- a characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit
gracious even to unexpected visitors
gracious living
he bears insult with gracious good humor - s characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects
- s exhibiting courtesy and politeness
- s disposed to bestow favors
thanks to the gracious gods
- Walter Winchell did not present a problem when Emily Post began piloting Americans along the winding bayous of gracious living, and the proper adjustments of falsies was not a .
- Perfectly constructed, astonishingly fast and utterly besotted with technology, the big, gracious 7-series had but two flaws: The first was something called iDrive, a rotary dial .
- McCain concedes the race to Obama in Phoenix in a gracious speech: "I wish godspeed to the man who was my former opponent, and will be my president.