The wow-finale brought back Ol' Man River for full symphony orchestra plus saxo phones, harmonica, banjo, guitar, organ, glockenspiel, tom-toms, bones, vibraphone, xylophone.
Most surprising hopeful was a miner who had devised a sort of glockenspiel headdress which he tinkled by wiggling his ears.
The E Street Band keyboardist--he played organ, accordion and glockenspiel, as the situation demanded--would arrive just in time for shows, then duck out as soon as they finished .
Read in Munich, Germany Pictured are Scott, Denise and Marisa Stephens in the famous Marienplatz in Munich, Germany with the Glockenspiel in the background, taking a break with their favorite paper while vacationing. Thanks for taking us along, guys!
July 31, 2013 - Coral Gables News