Like a windstreamed globule of silver, the Goodyear-Zeppelin baby blimp Mayflower floated down upon the afterdeck of the liner Bremen as it approached New York harbor last week.
With every man on the Greer at battle station, the lookouts sighted an impulse bubble close aboardthe big globule of air which rises when a submarine fires a torpedo.
Up, upand to the south and westthe balloon CH-113 soared until it was a gleaming globule in the rays of the sun not yet risen.
WIRED Space Photo of the Day: Bok Globule This view of the dark cloud B68, a so-called Bok globule, is a false-colour composite based on a visible (here rendered as blue), a near-infrared (green) and an infrared (red) image. Since the light from stars behind the cloud is ...
Dec. 27, 2013 - Wired News