ghetto :

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ge toh

  • n  formerly the restricted quarter of many European cities in which Jews were required to live
    the Warsaw ghetto
  • n  any segregated mode of living or working that results from bias or stereotyping
    the relative security of the gay ghetto
    no escape from the ghetto of the typing pool
  • n  a poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship and social restrictions

  • Another was the realization that ghetto blacks were the chief victims of ghetto violenceburned-out areas of Detroit and Newark are still in ruins today.
  • They penetrated as far as the ghetto's main street.
  • Here in the ghetto It's a bad situation; Call it what you want to, It's just a concrete reservation.
News & Articles


  • Iain Duncan Smith in WalesOnline
    ...the problems of deprivation in Britain's cities, told Fabian Review magazine: "Nobody really thought about what happens if you allow only the most broken families to exist on housing estates. You create a sort of ghetto in which the...
  • Marek Edelman in FOXNews
    In an interview with The Associated Press, Edelman said the Nazis "wanted to destroy the people, and we fought to protect the people in the ghetto, to extend their life by a day or two or five."
  • Rita Marley in Variety
    This is about a girl from the ghetto and a boy from the rural areas,Marley said. "It's more than being a superstar -- we have trod the rocky roads. It's more than just a story, it's a reality."

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