gadget :

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ga juht

  • n  a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

  • You've seen PTI's picks for the top 10 gadgets of 2008, including a stylish little e-mail checker called Peek; the sleekest, sturdiest and greenest MacBook yet; a must-have, idiot .
  • A look at this year's hottest gadgets.
  • Of all the gadgets on this list, this is the one that James Bond is most likely to carry.
News & Articles


  • Ron Washington in The Associated Press
    I guess it was a gadget to get people out there,Rangers manager Ron Washington said Sunday. "Sometimes the fans are so loud in the ballpark you wish they would just calm down. Seriously."
  • David Pogue in InformationWeek
    The iPad is so fast and light, the multitouch screen so bright and responsive, the software so easy to navigate, that it really does qualify as a new category of gadget,said Pogue.
  • Nicholas Kristof in Center for Media and Democracy (blog)
    As New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote in a column entitled Death by Gadget "They want you to look at a gadget and think sleek, not blood."

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