foxhole :

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  • n  a small dugout with a pit for individual shelter against enemy fire

  • Banding together to provide community service builds Army-foxhole-like solidarity.
  • I can't think of anyone I'd rather share a foxhole with than Tom Joyner and Tavis Smiley.
  • Well I guess everyone is a Keynesian in a foxhole, but I don't think we are there yet.

  • Buffett in Reuters
    If you were to pick someone to join you in a foxhole, you couldn't do better than Rich,Buffett wrote last year.
  • Barack Obama in Wall Street Journal
    Robert is the guy I want in the foxhole with me during incoming fire,Sen. Obama says in an interview. "If I'm wrong, he challenges me. He's not intimidated by me."
  • Chauncey Billups in FOXNews
    We're just tough as nails,Billups said. "Our motto is, 'If it ain't rough, it ain't right.' We always make it tough on ourselves, but we always find a way to climb out of that foxhole."

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