flowerless :

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  • a  without flower or bloom and not producing seeds
    a flowerless plant

  • No one would have turned his head for a second look at four people and a rabbi waiting for a flowerless hearse in a small cemetery near Paris last week.
  • Apple was an apple on a pedestal, two rows of flowerless flowerpots were titled Imagine the Flowers, and Iced Tea was a sizable T made of ice and melting fast.
  • Their bodies were loaded onto a flowerless handcart, taken to one of the thousand mass graves already dug for the Berliners who would die this winter.
News & Articles

  • Paper Flowers
    I do not have a green thumb. Actually quite the opposite, as every plant I ever get dies within a month or two. I love orchids , but I always gets sad when they wilt away, become flowerless, and end up turning into a big, depressing, bleak twig. So I was terribly happy (is that an oxymoron?) when I found handmade paper flowers from The Green Vase , when wandering around one of my favorite stores ...
    Sept. 23, 2013 - StyleBistro

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