To load a flintlock rifle, the marksman 1) measures out a charge of powder, 2) pours it down the barrel, 3) moistens a cloth patch with saliva, 4) puts a lead ball on the patch .
More than 2,000 are on display, including those that belonged to Napoleon (an 1800 double flintlock fowler shotgun), cowgirl Annie Oakley and Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and .
The Procope was refurbished with a vengeance in 1988 -- Pompeian red walls, l8th century oval portraits, crystal chandeliers, flintlock pistols and, for the waiters, quasi .
Pirates and Wenches Ball is Saturday CAPE CHARLES — Put on your best eye patch, sharpen your cutlass, clean your flintlock pistol, and plan to walk the plank as “Pirates and Wenches” swarm into the town of Cape Charles.
June 12, 2013 - Eastern Shore News
Genesee Country Museum will look back to 1813 MUMFORD – The Genesee Country Museum will turn back the calendar 200 years for a pair of events June 22 and 23. A War of 1812 Bicentennial program will feature re-enactors camping, drilling and target shooting with flintlock rifles.
June 12, 2013 - The Buffalo News