That even a filibusterer can make an effective speech, however, was demonstrated when Alabama's Dixie Graves rose for her maiden Senate effort.
He was not shocked but was irked at Alabama's Democratic Senator Lister Hill, a veteran filibusterer.
In the Senate he became the foremost filibusterer against civil rights legislation, declaring that there would never be enough laws on the books or troops in the Army to force .
Texas Tussle: Rick Perry Sets Up Round 2 in Abortion Fight The governor has called for another special session to vote on the issue, but newly famous filibusterer Wendy Davis may gun for his job in the next election
June 28, 2013 - Time Magazine
Wendy Davis: Tough, cool and wrong There's much to admire about the celebrated Texas filibusterer. Still, I have to stand with the cheaters on this one.
June 26, 2013 - Washington Post