filibuster :

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fi luh buh ster

  • n  a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes
  • n  (law) a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches
  • v  obstruct deliberately by delaying

  • Filibuster as a tool has become acceptable, however undemocratic it may be.
  • The proponents of the bill deplored the threatened filibuster by the opponents of the bill.
  • Many allege - not without reason - that filibuster is the right to endless debate.
News & Articles


  • Barack Obama in Reuters Canada
    The United States Senate knocked down a filibuster aimed at blocking a final vote on healthcare reform and scored a big victory for the American people,Obama said.
  • John Edwards in Forbes
    Every member of Congress who believes this war must end, from Senators Obama and Clinton to Senator (John) Warner, has a moral responsibility to use every tool available to them, including a filibuster, to force the president to change course,...
  • Arlen Specter in BusinessWeek
    I think the gridlock in the Senate might well produce a filibuster which would tie up the Senate,Specter said on "Fox News Sunday." "I think if a year passes, there's a much better chance we could come to a consensus."

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