festivity :

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fe sti vuh tee

  • n  any joyous diversion

  • At the height of the festivity, after a tumultuous war dance, Dingaan's Zulus fell upon the Dutchmen, dragged them to the hill of execution, beat them to death with knobkerries .
  • The poorer classes made the festivity their own, and a brotherhood grew up, now numbering some 3,000, to organize the procession and above all, to carry the heavy litter with Our .
  • Writing of nickel rides on the el or six-course meals (wine included) for 75, he exudes a kind of festivity.
News & Articles

  • Local car show gains widespread support
    Car enthusiasts were ecstatic to take their wheels out for a spin at Patterson’s Car Show Saturday, June 15. Families and car fanatics from Hayward to the central coast made their way to the Patterson’s Plaza Circle, where roadways were blocked off leading to the historic downtown for the newfound festivity.
    June 20, 2013 - Patterson Irrigator

  • Jose Montilla in The Associated Press
    Last night, Noche de San Juan, which is normally a night of festivity in Catalonia, turned tragic,the Catalan regional president, Jose Montilla, said as he visited the accident scene.
  • AR Rahman in Los Angeles Times
    We're trying to mix three different things: a Broadway show, a rock show and a circus,said Rahman. "My music with moments of spirituality, festivity, celebration and love. To celebrate India."
  • Dmitry Medvedev in ITAR-TASS
    The Victory festivity has become the most sacred, it has become forever a symbol of our national unity,Medvedev said.

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