When the kings of Bali saw in 1906 that they could no longer fend off the Dutch army, they chose an ending both glorious and horrific--the now legendary puputan.
WHY: Until now, antimicrobial agents that fend off bacteria and mold have been limited to cleaning supplies and products made of plastic.
Microsoft is working overtime to fend off user-created Linux.
Jay Rockefeller in BusinessWeek >>> West Virginia Democrat Jay Rockefeller said, "I don't believe that companies should be allowed to take taxpayers dollars for a bailout and then leave local dealers and customers to fend for themselves with no real notice and no real help,"...
Barack Obama in MyMotherLode.com More broadly, Obama said of Republicans: "Their prescription for every challenge is pretty much the same: cut taxes for the wealthy, cut rules for corporations and cut working folks loose to fend for themselves."