Farm Bill Meets Surprise Defeat In U.S. House The U.S. House defeated its version of the farm bill this afternoon. The bill would have cut the food stamps program and transformed subsidies for farmers from direct payments to crop insurance premium support. But Republicans lost 60 of their own members who voted no, along with most Democrats.
June 21, 2013 - NPR
President Bush in Austin American-Statesman America's farm economy is thriving,Bush said during a Rose Garden news conference. "The value of farmland is skyrocketing. And this is the right time to reform our nation's farm policies by reducing unnecessary subsidies."
John McCain in Jerusalem Post Here we are at a time when food prices are at historic highs, and farm income is up by 56 percent in just the past two years,McCain said. "Yet even now, the Congress has voted to give billions of dollars in subsidies to some of the biggest...