Omnicare, Walgreen's should not see margin falloff, says UBS UBS does not expect to see a margin falloff in 2013 for both Walgreen (WAG) and Omnicare (OCR) due to a conversion of pharmacy reimbursements to an average wholesale price formula from a maximum allowable ...
June 17, 2013 - via Yahoo! Finance
Dana Gioia in Forbes I think there's been an enormous investment in teaching kids to read in elementary school,Gioia said. "Kids are doing better at 9, and at 11. At 13, they're doing no worse, but then you see this catastrophic falloff. ...... If kids are put...
Duncan Hunter in Forbes This falloff of support among Democratic ranks is not shared by the war-fighting forces,Hunter said. "It's not shared by our troops."
Mike Dunleavy in Forbes We've been talking, and the talks are seemingly positive, but I haven't signed the deal yet, so there's nothing more I can really say,Dunleavy said. "Unless there's a dramatic falloff, it looks like we're going to get it done."