exculpation :

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  • n  a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise etc.
  • n  the act of freeing from guilt or blame

  • The film, another Jack Benny performance of his standard screen personality, a garrulous, cigar-chewing gull ready to be talked into anything once, is almost an exculpation in .
  • Thus closed a famed case with what those hostile to Governor Small termed the acquisition of perhaps the most expensive coat of whitewash known in the annals of exculpation.
  • Thus, exculpation, if one seeks it.

  • Joe Queenan in USA Today
    By this time,Queenan says, "America had entered a dismal era when alcoholics demanded ceremonial exculpation for their wrongdoing because they professed to be powerless before their addiction."

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