eulogise :

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  • v  praise formally and eloquently

  • Ron Dennis in Comet 24
    Dennis said: "He has broken more records than any other young driver and I think the records speak for themselves. We can all eulogise about his achievements but I think actions speak louder than words. He is just an exceptional talent and I am sure...
  • Tony Mowbray in
    But Mowbray added, "The deal is not done. I don't want to eulogise about a player who has not signed in case it doesn't happen. But it is no secret we admire the player and we'd like to tie something up. We've watched him for a while and he has got...
  • Silvan Shalom in Daily News (subscription)
    Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Arafat's condition had "greatly worsened" but "it is too early to eulogise" him.

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