Once they have secured that cause, they search for a way to ennoble it in the eyes of ordinary people who do not share their holy delusion but whose admiration they crave.
Onscreen her magic can ennoble those in her orbit (when she's a virgin queen in Elizabeth or the Lady of Lrien in The Lord of the Rings).
Heroes walk alone, but they become myths when they ennoble the lives and touch the hearts of all of us.
John Howard in NEWS.com.au It lives on in the valour and sacrifice of young men and women that ennoble Australia in our times,Mr Howard said. "In the scrub of the Solomons, in the villages of Timor, in the desert of Iraq and the coast of Nias. It lives on in the...
Antonin Scalia in Wall Street Journal What if I am an aficionado of bullfights and I think, contrary to the animal cruelty people, that they ennoble both beast and man,Justice Scalia said. "I would not be able to market videos showing people how exciting a bullfight is."