While US brought in enfranchisement of her women citizens many years after her independence, India enfranchised her women citizens when she got her independence.
But the legislators, reluctant to enfranchise black women also, voted no.
And a lot of the work he's doing to enfranchise broader communities I'm a big fan of.
How Prisons Change the Balance of Power in America The 14th Amendment, when combined with the War on Crime, has paradoxically disenfranchised vast swaths of the population and given the rural, white areas surrounding the prisons unforeseen political power.
Oct. 9, 2013 - The Atlantic
Susan Bysiewicz in Newsday For the first time in three years this proposal has made it out of committee,Bysiewicz said. "Now it is up to all members of the General Assembly, Democrats and Republicans, to take a stand and enfranchise nearly 10,000 young men and women...
Norm Coleman in Politico I wanted a chance to raise the issues that we thought had to be raised, to enfranchise a lot of folks whose votes hadn't been counted. We had a chance to do that,Coleman said. "And we went to the highest court in this state. And so, I...
John Barrow in AZ Central.com In this election we need to enfranchise people at the grassroots level, and we need to make sure they know that they have a stake in the outcome,said Barrow. "Between the rising cost of gas and the rising cost of food and medical care,...