disenfranchise :

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dis inf ranchahyz

  • v  deprive of voting rights

  • But in the hands of sometimes inept or partisan state officials, the database matches have become a practical nightmare that experts fear could disenfranchise thousands.
  • The campaign against certainty is merely the philosophical veneer for an attempt to politically marginalize and intellectually disenfranchise believers.
  • But as a growing number of states push to require such IDs, the move is drawing opposition from critics who see it as an effort to disenfranchise the poorest--and presumably most .

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton in CNNMoney.com
    Clinton on Thursday said she thinks "it would be a grave disservice to the voters of Florida and Michigan to adopt any process that would disenfranchise anyone."
  • Bart Stupak in Boston Globe (registration)
    The last thing we want to do as Democrats is to disenfranchise voters,wrote Stupak, who endorsed former senator John Edwards in the primary and has remained neutral since Edwards dropped out in January.
  • Barney Frank in Forbes
    The notion that you disenfranchise a large number of people in these two states is a terrible idea,Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., told reporters on a conference call arranged by the Clinton campaign.

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