Total Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union for that last year was 18,000.
He elicited verbal assurances on emigration, though he declined to use figures and pointed out that the Russians had not entered into any formal agreement.
They have known colonization, revolution and emigration.
Living History: Remembering the last days of the Pinecrest Inn Lately I’ve been gleaning fragments of early Emigration Canyon history. You know, the electric railroad that freighted sandstone during Salt Lake City’s turn-of-the-century building boom and the luxurious Pinecrest Inn that offered cool breezes and a warm welcome at the end of the line (see May 12 and 24, 2013, The Salt Lake Tribune , "Living History").
June 8, 2013 - The Salt Lake Tribune
David Cameron in Express & Echo We have received a copy of the statement made by Jason Kenny, Canadian Minister for Citizenship and Emigration. He has expressed high regards for India. They have deeply regretted the recent letter drafted by low level officials on routine visa... SM Krishna The Hindu May 28, 2010
32562 41938 emigration Of course we should recognise that in an advanced, open economy there will be high levels of both emigration and immigration," said Mr Cameron in his speech in central London. "But what matters is the net figure, which I believe is currently...
Nicolas Sarkozy in AFP In Darfur, we see this explosive mixture from the impact of climate change, which prompts emigration by increasingly impoverished people, which then has consequences in war,said Sarkozy. "If we keep going down this path, climate change...