emigre :

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e muh gray

  • n  someone who leaves one country to settle in another

  • It's a common stereotype in Israel--the Soviet emigre as lowlife--even though the perception is wildly wrong.
  • THE SACRIFICE Andrei Tarkovsky, the Soviet emigre film wizard, poaches on Ingmar Bergman territory -- the metaphysical longing, the sexual heat, the end of the world -- and .
  • David Gamburg, the show's American producer and a Soviet emigre, dismisses the charge, saying the Ministry of the Interior just wants "to put its jackboot into the program to .

  • Hilary Spurling in The Australian
    Matisse gave her life a point, a purpose,Spurling says. "She had been so humiliated (as a destitute emigre), but she never complained. She had enormous pride."

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