a at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time
early morning an early warning early diagnosis an early death took early retirement an early spring early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties
a being or occurring at an early stage of development
in an early stage early forms of life early man an early computer
s belonging to the distant past
the early inhabitants of Europe
s very young
at an early age
a of an early stage in the development of a language or literature
s expected in the near future
look for an early end to the negotiations
r during an early stage
early on in her career
r before the usual time or the time expected
she graduated early
Preliminary findings from two trials suggest that a single dose of H1N1 vaccine may confer adequate immunity, while a third study underscores the importance of early vaccination.
Autism spectrum disorders can be picked up and treated very early in life, if you know what symptoms to look for.
I was on the phone earlier this evening with a friend in Kabul who analyzed the early returns in the Afghan elections, which show President Hamid Karzai and former Foreign Minister .
Early forecast for 2014: Eh. In an early assessment of what restaurants can expect for 2014, Technomic is forecasting a slight uptick in sales for limited-service outlets and bars, but no change for the nation’s full-service establishments.
June 22, 2013 - ID Access
Early release of economic data to high-speed traders upsets some Thomson Reuters clients with deep pockets get to see the University of Michigan's consumer confidence reports two seconds before the public. NEW YORK — Some on Wall Street are crying foul after revelations that deep-pocketed traders get early access to closely watched economic data that moves the stock market.
June 22, 2013 - Los Angeles Times
Early Warning Report Filed Pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 This press release is issued by Newstar Securities SRL , a company wholly-owned by Robert M. Friedland, pursuant to the early warning requirements of National Instrument 62-103 with respect to the common ...
June 21, 2013 - Marketwired via Yahoo! Finance
Barack Obama in Los Angeles Times (blog) Early this morning, the House and Senate reached an agreement on a set of Wall Street reforms that represents 90% of what I proposed when I took up this fight,Obama said. "We've all seen what happens when there's inadequate oversight and...
Carlos Bocanegra in The Associated Press The funny thing is, we talk about, you know, don't concede early,captain Carlos Bocanegra said. "And man, it's been our trademark lately, conceding early."
Markus Naslund in The Associated Press Probably the fondest memory I have is we had a bunch of guys that were the same age that grew up together in the early 2000s,Naslund said. "We created a pretty strong personal bond with each other because we had a lot of fun together."