drachma d rak muh n a unit of apothecary weight equal to an eighth of an ounce or to 60 grains n formerly the basic unit of money in Greece Usage(s) After that, shrewd promoters with an eye for a fast drachma started beauty contests all over the place. The value of the drachma rose slightlyat week's end, a dollar was worth a mere 90 million drachmas. They wagered 50,000 Greek drachma ($650) on the sovereign to whom they are accredited, Tsar Boris of Bulgaria. Synonym(s) dram drachm Greek drachma
Quotes drachma Stylianos Pattakos in Axis of Logic Pattakos praised the junta's record: "In our time, there was no debt. Not one drachma went astray. The Greeks are not disciplined like the Germans or the British. They need authority."