doubting :

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dow ting

  • v  consider unlikely or have doubts about
  • v  lack confidence in or have doubts about
  • s  marked by or given to doubt

  • It has been said that "hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.
  • Assistant Secretary of the Navy Ernest Lee Jahncke made trouble for himself by publicly doubting whether the present-day Navy could muster a crew capable of handling a square .
  • On Colin Powell and other Republicans doubting Palin: Asks "What's their problem?" Calls her the "most popular governor in America," lists her accomplishments in Alaska.
News & Articles

  • Opinion: Freshman given rock-star treatment
    There’s no doubting that Andrew Wiggins, the 6-foot-7, freak-of-nature forward, belongs in the company of the biggest rock ’n’ roll stars ever to invade the United States. He’s that fab. By Matt Tait
    June 20, 2013 - Lawrence Journal-World
  • For our own good?
    Doubting the merits of domestic surveillance by Dan Brooks Imagine that I knock on your door and offer to sell you something marvelous. Thanks to my inquisitive mind, I have invented a machine that tells you when something bad is about to happen.… [ Read more ] [ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]
    June 20, 2013 - Missoula Independent
  • Underdog status still nothing new to Smith, Hoosiers
    IU Coach Tracy Smith has dealt with people doubting his team all year.
    June 17, 2013 - Indiana Daily Student

  • Alex McLeish in The Press Association
    McLeish added: "Because of his experience and personality, there can be no doubting this leaves a bit of a void but it is one we will work hard to fill as soon as possible. The new owners of this football club have given me great and ongoing support...
  • Rowan Williams in
    Addressing the congregation, Williams said: "Many people of my generation and younger grew up doubting whether we should ever see another straightforward international conflict, fought by a standing army with conventional weapons. We had begun to...
  • Martin Bain in The Press Association
    He said: "We were always hopeful that he would agree to play in the 2010/11 campaign and we have now concluded a deal to that effect. It's great news for everyone because there is no doubting his importance to the team and his influence on those...

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