dispirit :

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  • v  lower someone's spirits; make downhearted

  • The chapters on how the government tracked and dealt with the threat from al-Qaeda before 911 fascinate and dispirit.
  • The chapters on how the government tracked and dealt with the threat from al-Qaeda before 911 fascinate and dispirit.
  • The chapters on how the government tracked and dealt with the threat from al-Qaeda before 911 fascinate and dispirit.

  • President Bush in Asia Times Online
    ...a question from an Australian journalist regarding the opposition Labor Party's policy of withdrawing the country's 850 troops from Iraq, Bush said, "That would be disastrous ...... it would dispirit those who love freedom in Iraq. It...
  • Mayor Gavin Newsom in Examiner.com
    It does the bicycle-advocacy community no good to have people that are aggressive and dispirit the entire movement,Newsom said. "I would encourage the bicycle coalition to say, 'Look, we don't put up with this, enough is enough.'"

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