devotee :

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de vuh tee

  • n  an ardent follower and admirer

  • And he was soon convinced that the dianetics technique of relieving emotional upsets by reliving them before another dianetics devotee ("auditing") was an improvement on .
  • Using letters written to his parents while he was in Afghanistan, the AFP describes Hicks as a devotee of al-Qaeda, who once wrote that Osama bin Laden was "a lovely brother" and .
  • A reader and loner and devotee of birds, and indeed all nature, the slim, shy girl of plain face and dark curly hair continued writing throughout adolescence, chose an English .
News & Articles

  • Local political watchdog Ron Armstrong dies at the age of 72
    Ron Armstrong, a strident local political watchdog and devotee of conservative causes, is dead of brain cancer at the age of 72. He died Friday evening at 9 Pacific Care Center in Hoquiam, his widow Arlene confirmed Saturday. Armstrong had been at the center for about a month for hospice care for Stage 4 cancer that was diagnosed in June of 2012, she said in a telephone call from their ...
    June 23, 2013 - The Daily World
  • Boston bombing conspiracist resigns from NH Legislature
    In a rambling resignation letter, the Alex Jones devotee seems to call for stripping lawyers of citizenship        
    June 21, 2013 -
  • Ramadan Recipes: 5 ways to eat dates
    I'm a date devotee. They're sticky, sweet and packed with iron, fiber and vitamin A, so it's no wonder Muslims around the world break their daylong Ramadan fast with these naturally nourishing treats.
    June 19, 2013 - The Oneida Daily Dispatch

  • Swraj Paul in Hindu
    Lord Paul, Chancellor of the Westminster and Wolverhampton Universities, said he really became "almost a devotee of Mrs Gandhi" after she facilitated him to bring his ailing daughter to London for treatment in 1966.
  • Max Sandlin in CNET News
    He had long hair, wore tennis shorts and was a religious devotee of the courts,says Max Sandlin, a former congressman from Texas, who was president of Hurd's fraternity. "At the time, most of us would have thought Mark more likely to be...

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