dehydrate :

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di hahyd rayt

  • v  preserve by removing all water and liquids from
    carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
  • v  remove water from
    All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me
  • v  lose water or moisture
    In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly

  • Evering Associates, which markets Toth's products in Canada, says they can be used to dehydrate tropical fish for display purposes.
  • The ICC's long-term plans to dehydrate the capital structures of bankrupt railroads last week ran afoul of the Treasury's plans to wring more taxes from industry.
  • It's also possible that the drier air in winter can dehydrate mucus in the nasal passages, lowering the body's natural defense against the virus.
News & Articles

  • Fruit, veg leathers not tough to make
    What does a schoolchildand#8217;s packed lunch have in common with a $300-a-head meal at a three-Michelin-star restaurant? These days, both frequently include an edible leather: a puree of fruit (or, in the case of the restaurant, more often of a vegetable, such as tomato or onion) spread thin and dehydrated until it becomes stretchy.
    July 11, 2013 - Worcester Telegram & Gazette
  • Fruit and veg leathers: Easy and not just for kids
    What does a schoolchild's packed lunch have in common with a $300-a-head meal at a three-Michelin-star restaurant? These days, both frequently include an edible leather: a puree of fruit (or, in the case of the restaurant, more often of a vegetable, such as tomato or onion) spread thin and dehydrated until it becomes stretchy.
    July 10, 2013 - Associated Press via Yahoo! News

  • Bob Arum in Manila Standard Today
    As a sportsman, if Oscar says he's going to make 147, he's going to make 147,Arum said. "He won't struggle. He is 149 right now and all he has to do is dehydrate for a day and he's 147."
  • Mariah Carey in SOHH
    Marley helps out with the island sound on the track "Crusie Control," while T-Pain lends his voice opposite Mariah on the upbeat track, "Migrate" in which Mariah warns, "Don't wait for me to buy drinks, or you're going to dehydrate.In the sexy R&B...
  • Sal Masekela in Los Angeles Times
    We had no idea what we were doing,Masekela said. "We wore our wetsuits, thinking they would protect us from the cold. But what it did was dehydrate us. One of my friends passed out and we all ended up going with him to an emergency room."

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