In deference to your wishes I am not starting the debate on who is responsible for the fiasco.
But that, with all due deference to the late Rube (who was a great admirer of Emett), is to compare Edward Lear with Ogden Nash, or Mozart with Meyerbeer.
They were called Murderers' Row, in deference to a lineup dominated by two incomparable sluggers.
Mad Men Watch: Will the Circles Be Unbroken? Fellow Sterling Cooper & Associates shareholders, Our heroes have rather awkwardly talked about race, often brilliantly talked about gender, and clearly are obsessed with sexuality. They rarely talk about class, though. In America, it’s often unspeakable. And so out of deference to their reticence, let’s not take into account the author of the idea that history repeats itself first as tragedy ...
June 10, 2013 - Time Magazine
Barack Obama in Canada Free Press The report of Obama saying this: "With all due deference to the separation of powers, the court last week reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests - including foreign corporations - to spend without...
Charles Grassley in Los Angeles Times The SEC's utter failure to follow up aggressively on detailed and specific information about Madoff's fraud is further evidence of a culture of deference toward the Wall Street elite at the SEC,Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, a...
Ramalinga Raju in Reuters We have been surprised by the market reaction to this decision even though we were quite positive about the merits of the acquisition,Satyam Chairman B. Ramalinga Raju said in a statement. "However, in deference to the views expressed by...