codification :

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ko duh fuh kay shuhn

  • n  the act of codifying; arranging in a systematic order
  • n  a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)
News & Articles

  • Bush-Era Spying 'Made Legal' Under Obama
    Despite feigned outrage over the use of "illegal" surveillance techniques employed under the Bush administration, in the follow up to this week's news of a massive government surveillance system , revelations have come forth regarding President Obama's role in not only the expansion of existing surveillance methods but also of the codification of laws that permit the violation of Americans ...
    June 9, 2013 -

  • Philip Ruddock in The Age
    However, Mr Ruddock told ABC radio today: "I've been assured that there were existing laws and this is a mere codification."
  • Nicholas Burns in Daily Times
    The completion of a 123 Agreement is really a codification of the major and difficult decisions we have already made,said Nicholas Burns, the top US negotiator of the nuclear deal.
  • John Kerry in Southern Voice
    Codification of the HIV ban has been one of the reactions of unfounded fears about AIDS,Kerry said.

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