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- Clawson nurse fires up e-cigarette business
Leonard Kincaid, a registered nurse, decided to open a store selling electronic cigarettes shortly after the devices helped him kick a 25-year cigarette habit.
June 15, 2013 - The Oakland Press - Virginia Towns Increase Cigarette Taxes
Cigarette taxes are going up in Salem and Vinton. Beginning July 1, Salem's cigarette tax will increase from 20 cents a pack to 45 cents. Vinton's tax will rise from 20 cents a pack to 35 cents.
June 13, 2013 - WRIC 8 News Richmond - Cigarette butt leads to ID of 2006 double homicide suspect
A 2006 double homicide case has been solved because of DNA evidence recovered from a cigarette butt, according to Marion County Sheriff's Office. The cigarette butt was found in the inside of the victims' truck and deputies said the DNA profile revealed the identity of Jose Martinez, who was already in the system for crimes he committed in California. Martinez, who authorities say is a drug ...
June 12, 2013 - Local 6 Orlando
- John Daly in New York Times
I grew up around this - I'm used to it,Daly said of the heat. "I just light up a cigarette and drink some caffeine and it works." - Dr Andrew von Eschenbach in BusinessWeek
What I don't want to see happen is that we are in a position where we are determining that a cigarette is safe,von Eschenbach said. - Alan Johnson in
We have already made a lot of progress with stark written warnings on cigarette packs,Johnson said.