brainpower :

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b raynpow er

  • n  mental ability

  • Could lifelong education literally boost your brainpower? "We have to try to determine whether we might be able to have some positive control over how the human brain cells divide .
  • This is a belief that pragmatism and brainpower are superior to ideology in understanding the world, although this amounts to an ideology of its own.
  • In the meantime, Von Ahn has figured out a way to take advantage of all the spare brainpower hundreds of millions of people expend deciphering wiggly letters.
News & Articles

  • 7 Tips for Smarter Collaboration
    Solo performers can shine, but working together can yield greater results. Here are seven tips for improving collaboration. Most experts agree that collaboration in business consistently provides greater accomplishment. When it works, the combined brainpower of intelligent people can solve complex problems and achieve amazing results. Still many people hesitate before engaging others in their ...
    June 21, 2013 - Inc Magazine
  • Aquarius Daily Horoscope for June 18, 2013
    You're renowned for your brainpower, and today shows why the world is right. One hot idea can change things forever, and you've got lots more than just one. Speak to the right people. More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes , Daily Couple's LoveScopes , Daily CareerScopes , Weekly RomanticScopes , Monthly FitnessScopes , more ... Today's Free Sample Reading: Is your relationship ...
    June 18, 2013 -
  • NVIDIA GPU neural network makes Google’s cat-spotter look dumb
    Google’s artificial neural network which taught itself to recognize cats in 2012 has been left looking like a dunce, with a new network by NVIDIA and Stanford University packing more than six times the brainpower. The new large-scale neural network uses NVIDIA’s GPUs to pack in 6.5x more processing power than Google before it, but Read The Full Story
    June 18, 2013 - SlashGear

  • Lamar Alexander in Washington Post
    As Alexander noted, "these were recommendations of a National Academy of Sciences task force" that he and others had asked to tell Congress the 10 things it most urgently needed to do "to help America keep its brainpower advantage so we can...
  • Frank Williams in Reuters
    With combined efforts of business and government, we can inspire thousands of teachers and students, generate the brainpower and innovators needed to solve our energy and environmental challenges, and provide our entire nation with men and women... Rex Tillerson MarketWatch (press release) Feb 16, 2010 12272 16836 brainpower The QSTP has availability of space and young people at a subsidized cost and we are landing in a place where there is a lot of brainpower around us," Williams told Reuters.

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